Contracts and Licenses

AUSSDA Terms of Service

Here you find the AUSSDA Terms of Service which are applicable to all users of AUSSDA services.

AUSSDA Terms of Service

Transfer and License Agreements

Here you find various transfer and license agreements under which the archive materials (data and documents) are offered for archiving and provision.

Transfer and License Agreement for the scientific use of the archive materials

Transfer and License Agreement for the use of the archive materials under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY)

AUSSDA Licenses

Here you find various licenses under which the archive materials (data and documents) are offered for use.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY)

License to use archive materials exclusively for a specific scientific purpose

Note: The AUSSDA Scientific Use File (SUF) license is a license provided by AUSSDA for the scientific use of archived records made available in the AUSSDA Dataverse. The AUSSDA Dataverse is the digital repository for the social sciences in Austria.

Since social science research in many cases involves personal data, much of this data cannot be made available “openly” by default, e.g. under a Creative Commons license, but can be made available for scientific reuse in accordance with the GDPR. The AUSSDA SUF license offers the possibility to license social science (personal) data for scientific reuse - according to the principle: as open as possible and as closed as necessary. In this way, the AUSSDA SUF license contributes to making data FAIR.