
AUSSDA on video


We submitted an idea, wrote the script, identified filming locations and found ourselves in the lead roles. Now we’re proud to present the first video by and with AUSSDA. The video was developed in cooperation with the University’s Knowledge Transfer Centre and the TV station Okto and shows what our work is all about. It was presented on Thursday at the Top Kino in Vienna.

Watch the video

The process of creating our very first short video started in October of last year when we attended an event at the Knowledge Transfer Centre of the University of Vienna and were introduced to their initiative called “My research as video”. The idea was to translate ones work into video – to be produced by the TV station Okto - allowing complex processes to be visually presented in a simplified way. To be accepted, we had to write a short piece outlining how we would present our work in a three-minute video. The plan was to show how many sources of social science data one encounters when taking the tram through downtown Vienna.  

Along with two other teams from the natural sciences our idea was accepted and thus began the development of the script. The biggest challenge for us: Our work takes place in front of a computer screen. We had to find a way to show what we do without only filming our desks and offices. After a storytelling workshop and an introduction to video production we felt well prepared to begin the actual development of our video. We wrote a storyline, prepared filming locations and filming permits and picked who will play the lead roles. This point was quickly resolved as we cast ourselves as protagonists!  

The filming took place at the end of January. We drove along the Vienna Ring Road, were filmed at work and revealed our acting skills in an improvised consultation meeting. The day of filming was very entertaining and a unique experience for the AUSSDA team.  

After all this work we were happy to see our video presented on Thursday at the Top Kino in Vienna. We were blown away by the finished result! A big “thank you” goes to Evi and Roland from Okto. They supported us every step of the way and made all our ideas a reality. We’d also like to thank the Knowledge Transfer Centre of the University of Vienna, which offers a wide range of interesting projects, partnerships and courses – we highly recommend you have a look at their event calendar.

Check out our video to get a quick and entertaining introduction to our work! Feel free to share it or use it in your seminars and presentations!

Filming the desk scene of the AUSSDA video

The protagonist Veronika at her desk - the transformed AUSSDA kitchen (photo: Lena Raffetseder)

Filming on the road in a Viennese tram

Roland from Okto filming in a Viennese tram (photo: Lena Raffetseder)

Three people smile at the camera in the tram.

Evi, Roland and Lena are happy about a successful day of filming (on a tram!) (photo: Veronika Heider)

People being filmed in a meeting room

The AUSSDA meeting room was also used as a filming location: here the consultation scene was filmed (photo: AUSSDA)