A free introductory course, designed by the Austrian “Interest Group for Data Protection”, is now available for members of Austrian educational institutions.
GDPR introductory course
The course is devised as a 9-week online course with weekly modules. Every module is made up of a video, slides and self-assessment questions covering the various topics. Nikolaus Forgó, an expert on data protection legislation, guides participants through the modules in 10-minute videos, offering entertaining and clear information on what the GDPR means for Austria.
First module now online
The first chapter of the course, an introduction to the topic, is available now.
„In this introduction, Prof. Forgó explains the most important basics and why they are important. What does data protection have to do with human rights, what is behind the changes discussed in the media? Is this a revolution in data protection law? Will it really be expensive? In this course, I will learn about why this also concerns me.”
Learning goals
Being GDPR-compliant is essential for organizations. However, there are no universal rules that can be applied for every case; rather, every issue has to be regarded separately. Participants who complete the course should be able to answer relevant GDPR questions that apply to their individual organizations.
Course modules
- Introduction
- Past legislation, primary legislation
- Primary legislation, data protection amendment law
- Application areas, goals
- Rolls, general principles
- Rights of affected persons
- Further rights, instrumenti, processing logs
- Data protection authority, Data Protection Impact Assessment, data security
- Privacy breach, notifications, sanctions
Participation confirmation
Active participants of the course receive an automatic confirmation after completing the course. The certificate confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.