
How to access our research data


Do you want to re-use data archived at AUSSDA? In our repository, the AUSSDA Dataverse, you can quickly and easily download data sets.

In our AUSSDA Dataverse, we archive data researchers make publicly available to others. This data can be the basis for new research. The re-use is in the interest of the open science community and research funding institutions, e.g. the FWF (The Austrian Science Fund) requires "a data management plan (DMP) supplemental to all approved grant proposals. A DMP outlines how the data for a specific project will be collected, organised, stored, backed-up, preserved, shared, archived and [if necessary] disposed of."

Currently, two of our repositories provide access to social science research data, whereas our AUSSDA Dataverse stores more recent data. In the long tun, the Dataverse will be AUSSDA's only repository.

In general, all metadata are publicly accessible, i.e. Open Access; important information on data can therefore be viewed by everyone. The same applies to research documentation. Many of our datasets are also Open Access. Open Access means that you can download the data with a simple click. Only a few steps are required to download data for Scientific Use. You can either log in via institutional access (e.g. University of Vienna) or a user name. In both cases (Open Access and Scientific Use), clicking the download button opens a new window, in which the valid Terms of Use and Terms of Access must be accepted before being able to download the data. A third option is to exclusively provide data to those with a scientific background. A signed form verifies one's scientific background. This procedure is only used for very sensitive data, e.g. particularly sensitive groups of respondents. Because AUSSDA has to check the application first, the download may take a little longer. Our Access Policy provides a detailed overview of all access options available.

Even data accessible via the "old" NESSTAR repository (e.g. the popular microcensi) are usually delivered by the AUSSDA Team after verifying the scientific purpose. In this case, the data are made accessible via a file transmitter.

Here you can find out more if you want to make your data accessible to other researchers, and thus enable the re-use of your data. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!