News - en


Copyright laws restrict how data and other works can be shared and reused. Creative Commons (CC) licenses solve these problems and open up the full...


Transparency and replicability are important principles when determining how research results are to be interpreted and understood. To evaluate...


Sebastian Seebauer (JOANNEUM RESEARCH) and Dimitri Prandner (AUSSDA ) co-moderated a workshop on data protection and the implications of the General...


On May 25th the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect, standardizing the legislation across the European Union. The GDPR...


Books have an ISBN, online articles in journals are assigned a digital object identifier (DOI). DOIs are also used in the AUSSDA Dataverse to increase...

25.04.2018 10:20

On May 28th AUSSDA is organizing an introductory workshop covering the OAIS reference model. Especially persons working in digital archiving will...