New and exlusively available at AUSSDA: Austrian Socio-Economic Panel (ASEP) Data


We are pleased to announce that a new, Austria-wide survey programme is now available at AUSSDA.

The data from Pilot Wave 1 (2023) of the Austrian Socio-Economic Panel (ASEP) is accessible to researchers, students and teachers. This large-scale, long-term panel survey of the Austrian population covers a wide range of topics - from family, work and income to housing, education and health, to personal attitudes and values towards life and society.

Together with Statistics Austria, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research presented the ASEP at a user conference at the end of October. This poster (in German language) provides an overview with all the important information and key data on the survey programme.

The ASEP is a unique project in Austria, with the data being exclusively available at AUSSDA,. Internationally, the project is comparable to the Socio-Economic Panel in Germany or the Swiss Household Panel. The ASEP will be surveyed annually, meaning the data sets will be successively added over the coming years. Therefore, we have set up a separate ASEP Dataverse where you will be able to find all the survey waves at a glance.

In addition to the ASEP Survey, there is also ADCOL - Administrative Data Collection for the Social Sciences - as a second sub-project of ASEP. It involves processing administrative data from Statistics Austria for research purposes. In compliance with strict data protection guidelines, this data can also be linked to ASEP survey data via the Austrian Micro Data Centre (AMDC).

Please find more information on the Statistics Austria website.

Matthias Reiter-Pázmándy (BMBWF) presented the ASEP at the user conference. Photo: AUSSDA