AUSSDA certified with Core Trust Seal
Following initial certification in 2020, the Core Facility AUSSDA was again awarded the Core Trust Seal as a "trustworthy data repository" in November 2023. The certification is valid until 2026.
What is Core Trust Seal about?
Core Trust Seal is a certification for archives and repositories that store data long-term. CTS defines requirements for archives to be considered “trustworthy data repositories”. In 2017, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) supported the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) and the International Science Council World Data System (WDS) in their endeavour to harmonise the two certifications into one: the Core Trust Seal.
What are the advantages for depositors?
Granting access to research data and allowing for their re-use becomes increasingly important for funding agencies. Research funding agencies like the FWF require researchers to publish and share not only their results, but also the related research data. Therefore, the CTS certification proofs that AUSSDA is not only a professional and sustainable solution for archiving data, but also offers a competitive advantage in funding applications.
The AUSSDA CTS report outlines our professional management and preservation of research data in detail and is publicly available here. The report also contains a description of how we meet legal and technical requirements in order to allow for reuse of data.
What are the advantages for AUSSDA?
Obtaining the CTS certification is a requirement enforced by CESSDA ERIC on all related service providers, a condition that AUSSDA now fulfils.
For AUSSDA, the CTS certification is also the acknowledgement of our professional work: The CTS is the formal confirmation that AUSSDA complies to international standards and that our processes and services are considered as good practice.