We are happy to advise you on all our services. Here, we have summarised some of the most frequently asked questions. In addition, we offer a list of useful resources to download.
In our Frequently Asked Questions you can find more information about the following topics:
- Legal documents
Transfer and License Agreement for the scientific use of the archive materials
Self-deposit agreement (in German)
License agreement for the use of archived records for exclusively scientific purposes
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY)
Exemplary clauses for funding agreements (in German)
- Guidelines
Provision of personal data (in German)
Data Deposit Guideline for Qualitative Data
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Guideline
Template for Feedback on Data Management Plans
- Policies
- Self-Deposit
Recommended Datachecks (STATA do-file)
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
Explorative factor analysis using SPSS (in German)
Linear regression analysis using SPSS (in German)
Bivariate cross tabulation using SPSS (in German)
Towards a programmable Dataverse: Finding, getting and analysing the data you need
- Info material on AUSSDA
AUSSDA Report (covering the period March 2016 - March 2020)
In our Zenodo community, you can find more useful AUSSDA Open Access materials, such as reports, software or presentations.