We are a data infrastructure for the social science community in Austria and offer a variety of research support services, primarily data archiving and help with data re-use. We make social science data accessible, creating opportunities for research and data reuse. Since July 2020, we have been certified with the Core Trust Seal (CTS) as a "trustworthy data repository".

Get data here!

We archive a variety of social science data. The AUSSDA Dataverse is divided into several collections. Find all data sets archived with us easily online! Our user guide helps you with finding and downloading the data.

Teaching and learning with AUSSDA data - discover our new Dataverse!

Are you a lecturer and would like to find suitable data sets for teaching with just one click? Or are you a student looking for data for your thesis? We have compiled relevant datasets for you in one place. Find the overview and recommendations from methods lecturers here!

 What's new?


Against the backdrop of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and other European data initiatives, two Open Science events will be held in Vienna in the third week of November.


"Big Data" is a buzzword in business and politics, and a new challenge for social sciences. One AUSSDA will tackle head on, by intensifying cooperation with the "Wearables"-project of Professor Batinic. Together with his team, AUSSDA develops new tools and services fit to archive "Big Data".


AUSSDA develops various documents and processes but our work centres on the repository solution. With Dataverse, archiving and reuse are quick and easy.


A successful project to strengthen and widen the infrastructure of social science data archives in the European Research Area is coming to a close.


Last week‘s PUMA symposium focussed on the topic of random samples and whether they still act as the gold standard of empirical research. Members of the AUSSDA-team were there to discuss.


New types of data are not only a challenge for researchers but also for data archives. Members of CESSDA ERIC discussed this and more in Bergen, Norway.

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