STATUS completed
DURATION 04/2021-12/2021
LINKS COVID-19 Dataverse
CONTACT Otto Bodi-Fernandez
COSSDA - COVID-19 Social Science Data Hub Austria
The COVID-19 pandemic has an immense impact on the social science research landscape - both in Austria and internationally. Since the beginning of the pandemic in spring 2020, numerous social science studies have been initiated and conducted. They have produced valuable insights into the social, economic and psychological consequences of the pandemic as well as a large amount of re-usable research data.
Against this background, AUSSDA, with the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), has launched the project COSSDA - COVID-19 Social Science Data Hub Austria. It provides the research community with a basis for empirical analyses on COVID-19 topics in Austria and beyond.
COSSDA builds on the previous project COVID-19 Data Fast Track Publishing and ensures that the reusable research data of COVID social science studies in Austria are collected in one place, archived sustainably and made available as promptly as possible according to the FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). This enables further research on how to combat the pandemic.
The data that AUSSDA makes accessible are also a part of the Data Catalogue of the European research infrastructure CESSDA and thus become part of the European Open Science Cloud EOSC. In this way, we contribute to the visibility of Austrian research in an international context.