Webinar: Finding data, using it and creating new knowledge: COVID-19 studies at AUSSDA (in German)
When: November 18, 2021, 2-3.30 pm
Where: online
The video recording of the webinar is now available here.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became particularly clear how important it is to have quick access to up-to-date social science data: Attitudes, behaviours and living conditions of people provide information about the social and psychological consequences of the pandemic and how we as a society can address them.
As part of two projects supported by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), we at AUSSDA have set up the COVID-19 Pandemic Dataverse - a data hub that allows us to centrally collect reusable research data from social science COVID studies conducted in Austria. We make them available in accordance with the FAIR principles (FAIR = findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable).
In our webinar, researchers will present the data sets of current studies available at AUSSDA and give an insight into their reuse potential, for researchers as well as for students.
Matthias Reiter-Pazmandy (BMBWF) and Otto Bodi-Fernandez (AUSSDA, University of Graz) will speak about the project COSSDA - COVID-19 Social Science Data Hub Austria. After that, researchers will present the following studies:
- Austrian Corona Panel Project (Julia Partheymüller, University of Vienna)
- Values in Crisis (Wolfgang Aschauer, University of Salzburg)
- Learning in a State of Emergency (Ursula Holtgrewe/Irina Vana, Centre for Social Innovation)
- Learning under COVID-19 conditions (Marko Lüftenegger, University of Vienna)
This webinar is targeted at researchers and students of social science disciplines and everybody who is interested.
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You can (re)watch the webinar here.