Looking for data?
AUSSDA archives a variety of social science data. The AUSSDA Dataverse is our archiving solution. It is divided into several collections, our so-called Dataverses. Once you have found a study you would like to use, in most cases you can download the dataset and associated documentation directly. For the use of certain other data sets, you must contact us in advance. Each dataset is individually assigned a license and an access model by its author. You can find more information about licensing and usage restrictions in the description section of a dataset’s landing page. If you would like to learn more about our Dataverse, check out our user guide.
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Europe-wide search
In addition to AUSSDA data, you can find data from other European data archives in the CESSDA Data Catalogue.
New: Graphical search for AUSSDA and across Europe
We offer a graphical interactive search in the AUSSDA database or Europe-wide. We welcome your feedback on this feature at info@aussda.at!
Recently published datasets
A special agreement with Statistics Austria formally authorizes AUSSDA to host Austrian microcensus data reaching back to 1973. Gather insights on population development and value changes of past generations with a range of datasets exclusively available at AUSSDA.
You can find our FAQs on microcensus data here.
AUTNES (Austrian National Election Study) provides comprehensive social science analyses of the Austrian National Council elections. AUTNES is a project of the Vienna Center for Electoral Research (VieCER) at the University of Vienna.
A frequently requested study is the Social Survey Austria (SSÖ). This survey programme observes how attitudes and value orientations change in the Austrian population. You can find more detailed information on the SSE here.
You can find more information on how to find data in our FAQ.